Not having access to the best people is a critical area of concern and managing retention of staff is adding to the woes.
There is an ever increasing pressure to provide innovation, value and quality. It is a clarion call for professional as well as more specialised skills, rigorous training and retention of the already disappearing staff. The rise in standards has caused a widening skill gap in the growing hospitality industry. From the best cook in the kitchen to the best serving person on the front end form the need of the hour.
The hospitality sector has many unique challenges not least of which is the management of a large dispersed workforce with high staff turnover. Taras gives businesses the tools to hire and manage staff on a local, regional or national level whilst at the same time providing many safeguards against cost overrun.
These long hours coupled with peaks and troughs in customer demand mean that accurate staff scheduling is a critical factor. By using Taras site managers can use their local knowledge to accurately schedule the right staff to be in the right place at he right time. At all times senior management have full visibility of schedules and forecast costings and have the ability to modify staffing levels as they see fit.
By using the Taras mobile app the exact location and time of deliveries can be simply and easily recorded by drivers with performance reports helping to identify staff performance.
By using biometric attendance technology Taras removes the need for managers or supervisors to manually monitor staff attendance or leave requests. With Taras you can be sure of which staff are in or on leave and just as importantly the skill sets or experience of scheduled staff.